Labor Day has come and gone which means that summer is winding down. But, that doesn't meant it's time to forgo your health and wellness routine. Seasons change, so it's important to have a wellness routine that makes you feel empowered and committed throughout the year.
The World Health Organization defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” Quite often though, health is seen through a lens that's focused on physical appearance which is where getting "summer ready" comes into play.
So, what happens when summer is over? If you're hyper-focused on meeting certain physical changes in order to fit into a bathing suit, wear tank tops, dresses or shorts, as the weather cools, you might stop prioritizing your wellness and begin "falling back" into habits that leave you feeling drained and unmotivated.
Here’s where shifting your focus to overall wellness comes into play. When you refocus your attention from just physical changes to include your mental and emotional health as well - how you feel as you go throughout life - two things happen:
1. You now have more daily, long-term goals vs one goal that often gets put on the back burner once the temperature cools.
2. You drop anxiety and stress surrounding food, and won't feel like you need to exercise in order to "earn" things.
The result? Your wellness routine will be more manageable and you'll look forward to staying consistent because it not only changes you physically, it helps you de-stress, improves your sleep, lifts your mood, boosts your energy and so much more. The benefits are truly endless and the key to experiencing them every season is as simple as maintaining your wellness as a priority.