Mental health is a big part of wellness and self care!
October 10 is World Mental Health Day! Now, more than ever, it's so important to prioritize your mental well-being. Life can move at one hundred miles an hour and it's so easy to go along with the rush and neglect your mental state. Below are 10 tips to boost your mental health - today and everyday.
1. Take a media break.
Whether it's social media or the never-ending news cycle, we all need a break sometimes. Set a scrolling window and stop checking social media/the news at a certain time every night. Or, make a plan to limit your screen time throughout the day (e.g. only check the news at lunch time). Added tip: Unfollow any social media feeds that constantly cause anxiety or negative feelings. Don't sacrifice your peace of mind for mindless scrolling.
2. Spend time in nature.
There's something soothing about getting out in Mother Nature. Gardening. Enjoying a cup of coffee or tea on your porch/deck. Walking through the neighborhood. Having a picnic at the park. Being outside reminds us that the world is incredibly vast and that there's so much more to life than what we tend to focus on everyday.
3. Talk to a therapist or trusted friend.
Sometimes, you just need to talk to someone. A licensed therapist, spiritual advisor or a close, trusted friend can offer a safe space to share, vent, find answers, and more - with no judgement or reciprocal input (unless you want it).
4. Move your body in a way that you enjoy.
From exercise classes to golf, swimming, salsa dancing, and everything in between - movement is proven to release feel-good hormones that boost your mental well-being.
5. Create a gratitude journal.
There's so much to be thankful for. Writing down your thoughts makes them all the more concrete. You can go back to reread your thankful lists, time and again, to remind yourself that you have so much to be grateful for.
6. Meditate.
Take time to pause, slow your breathing, and meditate on the positivity in you life. Energy flows where focus goes. The more you focus on the positive, the more it will manifest in your life.
7. Practice setting boundaries.
You can't be everything to everyone at all times, and you shouldn't aim to be. Remove the pressure of people-pleaseing by standing in your power. Meaning, you can say "no." You can change your mind. You can remove "it" from your life, if it's no longer serving you. You get to set the tone for your life. Putting up, and maintaining, boundaries allows you to make the best choices for your well-being.
8. Turn on your favorite playlist and get lost in the music.
Music has the power to change the atmosphere. It can uplift, empower, boost self-reflection and so much more. Create a 5-10 song playlist that makes you feel invigorated and joyful to boost your mental health.
9. Use your creativity, even if you think you're not good at "it."
Do you want to paint? Draw? Create pottery? Write a story, poem, play? Do it! Use your creative power to step outside of your comfort zone and just do it. It doesn't matter if you (or anyone else) think you're good at it or not. What matters is that you're feeding your soul by doing something that you enjoy and the lessons that you learn about yourself throughout the process.
10. Laugh
A memory that produces a belly laugh. A show or movie that brings out the giggles. Just laugh. Fun fact: You don't actually need any external stimuli to laugh. You don't need something funny to happen to make you laugh. You control your emotions. So, just start laughing, even if it's for "no reason," and experience how that simple act will brighten your day.
Bonus Tip: Find Your Tribe(s)
We're not meant to go through life alone. Nurturing relationships that provide mutual support, kindness, and understanding is so important for overall wellness. That said, your "tribe" doesn't have to be a large group of people. In fact, you might find that your tribe is one person - or just a few people - and that's perfectly perfect. Relationships are about quality over quantity, and knowing where (and more importantly if) people fit in your life can boost your mental health.